Stakeholder Feedback

Identify potential barriers to trade within Canada.

Created via the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) in 2017, the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table (RCT) supports the efforts of subject-matter experts as they work to reduce regulatory differences/barriers that impact trade, investment, and labour mobility within Canada.

As a body created through a trade agreement applicable within Canada, the regulatory measures that can be considered through the RCT relate solely to those in force within Canada. If a regulatory measure is identified through this consultation process that relates to trading outside of Canada, the information submitted here will be redirected to a body that addresses such matters.

To support addressing these barriers, stakeholder input is being sought by the RCT to better inform what type of work could be reflected on its Work Plan.

What is a ‘regulatory measure’?

The CFTA defines a ‘regulatory measure’ as including any decree, regulation, standard, order, requirement, procedure, process, assessment, legislation, or other instrument. Variations in any of these regulatory tools are within the scope of RCT-related work.
Stakeholder Submission

Step 1 of 3

I. Understanding the Barrier

3. In your experience, which federal, provincial, or territorial governments have regulatory measures relating to this matter? Check all that apply.

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