Regulatory Cooperation Items

The objectives of cooperating in the development of future regulatory measures are set out in Article 408 of the CFTA, namely, to:

  1. Avoid regulatory divergences that act as barriers to trade, investment and labour mobility within Canada;
  2. Facilitate innovation, competition, or growth in emerging industries, technologies, or sectors; or
  3. Ensure that, if feasible, common processes exist among Parties for implementing future regulatory measures in order to help streamline approval processes and minimize the administrative burden for enterprises working in multiple provinces.

The priority is the joint development of future regulatory measures that do not impede or create barriers to trade, investment, or labour mobility.

Final Report: A Federal-Provincial- Territorial Cooperation Framework on Energy Efficiency Standards and Regulations

Introduction Regulations continue to be one of the most effective policy tools available to advance energy efficiency, energy savings and GHG emissions reductions. Through the Energy Efficiency Regulations 2016, the federal government requires energy-using products that are imported or shipped inter- provincially for the purpose of sale or lease to meet prescribed energy efficiency standards. The jurisdictions of British Columbia,
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Final Report: Testing of automated and connected vehicles (AV/CV)

Introduction and Summary Under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement’s (CFTA) Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table (RCT), parties identified the testing of automated and connected vehicles (AV/CV) as an item for future regulatory cooperation. When added to the RCT’s work plan in 2019-2020, it was envisioned that this work could potentially see all jurisdictions adopt one set of guidelines for the
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Final Report: Electronic Logging Device Requirements for Federally Regulated Truck and Bus Motor Carriers in Canada

Introduction This Final Report details work undertaken to mandate that federally regulated truck and bus motor carriers use certified electronic logging devices (ELDs) in Canada. As an item on the Canadian Free Trade Agreement’s Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table (RCT) Work Plan, this work was advanced by Transport Canada and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA).
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Final Report and Best Practices: Builders Lien – Prompt Payment Legislation and Associated Regulations

Introduction Prompt payment legislation sets timelines by which construction contracts need to be paid and creates a dispute resolution mechanism to efficiently deal with disputes. The purpose of this legislation is generally to improve the financial stability within the construction industry. Several jurisdictions, including Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta have legislation in force already, while the remaining governments are in various
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